Rietwijkerstraat 52, 1059 XB Amsterdam

Electro acupuncture / ESTeck body scan

During a 45-minute appointment with Hans de Liefde, you will be fully tested with acupuncture points on the hands, feet and, in some cases, on the face. The detected deviating measured values are attempted to be standardized by means of a drug test. This will happen by means of homeopathic preparations, amongst other things. Together with you, we will trace the cause of the illness or of your complaints, so that we can treat the source and not only the symptoms.

Often, a course of treatment with homeopathic preparations follows from this measurement. These preparations are tuned to each other and you will have to take these for about 10 weeks. A check-up will follow after about 3 months. Through this check-up we will look at to what extent the measured values have improved and whether a follow-up course of treatment is necessary. 


To make an appointment call 020 614 0053 or send us your question using the form below.